Friday, 9 November 2012

Essentials of Economics

  • Author: Bradley R. Schiller
  • Publisher: Mcgraw Hill Higher Education; 6th edition (July 1, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0071101462
  • ISBN-13: 978-0071101462
"Essentials of Economics" is the market leader for the one-semester survey course. In just about 400 pages, it provides a solid introduction to the core concepts of economics with an emphasis on real-world examples and current events. "Essentials" has earned its popular success because, unlike other books on the market, it is free of the abstract and complex theory that requires more time than this course allows. Instead, the text is clean and concise, with many examples of significance to students today, including Headlines and Policy Perspectives that use current events to help illustrate the topics discussed. This real-world policy emphasis is a distinctive feature of Schiller's text and is integral to its dominance of the survey text market.

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